Takedown request

If you believe there is some content hosted on our servers that is violating your rights, you should submit a takedown request here. This is the place where you may submit DMCA takedown requests too. We are willing to promptly remove any infringing content as requested.

Send takedown requests to: takedownncpic@proton.me


  • Your takedown request should contain all the neccessary details as listed in our Terms of Service.
  • We need to be able to identify the material(s) which we need to remove, so please do state it as precisely as you can. A direct link is preferred, if available.
  • We need to know whether you have legal authorization to make such a claim (ie. if you own those rights).
  • You may attach PDF or JPG attachments to your email.
  • If you are representing your client, please state this as well.

Please note this is a formal procedure and it is only meant to remove infringing content.
It is not a tool to delete your own pictures. You may use our image browser as a registered user to delete your own uploads. Do not submit a request in which you want to delete your own (non-infringing) uploads. If you have trouble signing in to your account, contact us using our general support inbox.